Women at Work
Women at Work at Double Double Gallery(Beijing),
canvas, custom electronics, charcoal, acrylic, oil pastel, pencil, metal powder, wax, wood, Arduino boards, 2024
Focusing on "action" as a continuous perspective and method, ZhenZhen Zhong explores issues related to female identity in "Women at Work - Playground." This ongoing series portrays busy and complex portraits of women in strong occupational roles such as housewives, diplomats, waitresses, secretaries, textile workers, sex workers, teachers, nurses, and stars.
However, we don't see complete faces or bodies of women; instead, we see interconnected, grafted hands growing twisted like old trees. "Creating a better life with one's own hands" is a traditionally extolled virtue and a survival skill for most women. These hands, along with the dynamic components in the work, form a bizarre "collective female body," resembling a machine that continuously produces value.
While critical, the work also has many humorous. For instance, the female teacher's preaching is visualized as repetitive "chanting", and the ceaseless forced overtime is symbolized by the "chǎng fū" bird—according to "The Classic of Mountains and Seas," eating this bird's meat eliminates the need for sleep. In this resigned self-mockery, we see that women's glory and struggles are always intertwined, inseparable.
这件作品在批判的同时不乏幽默感。比如,女教师的说教被作品具象化为循环往复的“念经”;无休止的被迫熬夜加班则用(chǎng fū)的形象作表现——《山海经》说,只要吃了这种鸟的肉,就再也不用睡觉了。在无奈的自嘲中,我们看到,女性的荣光与困顿也总是相生相伴,难解难分。
Women at Work-Playground at UTA Artist Space(Los Angeles), 2024,
canvas, custom electronics, charcoal, acrylic, oil pastel, pencil, metal powder, wax, wood, Arduino boards, 66 x 60 x 60 in.
Women at Work-Playground, details
Women at Work-Playground, details
Women at Work-Playground, details
Grabbing Your Short Braid/End of Sleep, custom electronics, baby-feeding nipple, wig, liquid charcoal, acrylic, oil pastel, pencil, metal powder, gesso board, canvas, 43 × 47 in, 2024
Grabbing Your Short Braid/End of Sleep, detail, 2024
Grabbing Your Short Braid/End of Sleep, detail, 2024
A Gentle Jab, silicon, medical rubber glove, custom electronics, motor, syringe, cotton, liquid charcoal, acrylic, oil pastel, color pencil, metal powder, gesso board, canvas, 30 × 18 in, 2024
Nagging and Chanting, glasses, custom electronics, motor, reel, liquid charcoal, acrylic, oil pastel, color pencil, metal powder, gesso board, canvas, 18 × 24 in, 2024
Practicing Perfect Smiles, chopsticks, wood, liquid charcoal, acrylic, gesso board, 6 × 6 in × 12 pieces, 2024
Practicing Perfect Smiles, chopsticks, wood, liquid charcoal, acrylic, gesso board, 6 × 6 in × 12 pieces, 2024